Establishing a Legacy Fund
A well prepared, up-to-date Will is important so that you can make your final wishes known. Your Will can ensure the financial security of your family and provide a generous gift for your community. Charitable giving through your Estate can result in significant tax savings. But most importantly, it’s a statement of your life experience and your vision for a better tomorrow.
Bowen Island Community Foundation is here to help. A gift to the Foundation goes beyond your lifetime and ensures that your generosity will benefit our community for generations to come. You can plan for a better tomorrow with a gift in your Will.
This document provides sample Will clauses for charitable giving options at the Foundation through your Estate. There are many ways that your legacy can be structured. All revisions to your estate planning documents should be conducted with the advice and direction of a lawyer.
Giving to Your Community Foundation
This infographic outlines the relationship between a donor and a community foundation in establishing a fund or gift.
How a Community Foundation and a Community Fund Work

Belonging: Exploring Connection to Community
In 2015, Community Foundations of Canada released the first chapter of Belonging: Exploring Connection to Community—a national Vital Signs series that sparked an ongoing exploration and focus on belonging in Canada. This exploration has included five national Vital Signs reports, the Belong 2017 Community Foundations Conference held in Ottawa, and more than 75 Vital Conversations about belonging, inclusion and social participation in communities across the country.
October 2015 This foundational report looks back over the past 50 years at our sense of belonging and where we as communities and a country are going next leading up to Canada’s sesquicentennial in 2017 and beyond.
October 2016 The second chapter of Belonging: Exploring Connection to Community uses the lens of social participation to better understand how we as individuals cultivate our connections to community.
October 2017 The third and final chapter of Belonging: Exploring Connection to Community examines the challenges and issues that communities and places face in making people feel welcome and included.
April 2016 Published in partnership with the TrueSport Foundation, this special Vital Signs report looks at how sport—when grounded in fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun—can strengthen our sense of belonging to each other and our communities.
April 2017 Published in partnership with the Canadian Arts Presenting Association (CAPACOA), this special Vital Signs report shines the spotlight on the power of the arts to build a greater sense of belonging to our communities, to our country, and to each other.