Resiliency Fund

This Fund is paused for the moment but will be activated if or when an unprecedented natural disaster affecting the Bowen Island Community occurs. At that time, further details on contacting this Fund will be posted here.

In times of natural disaster such as fire, earthquake, or pandemic, our small community can experience unprecedented burden. The demand for assistance may far exceed the capabilities of individuals and single organizations. The BICF Resiliency Fund has been established to enable system-wide responses to a crisis. The Foundation has identified three key areas where we think local organizations might help:

  • In the systemic availability of food, hygiene, or other basic needs (excluding housing and income benefits)
  • In providing relevant information to promote resiliency and mitigate fear and confusion
  • In mobilizing citizens to assist their vulnerable neighbours with the challenges they are facing from isolation

These priorities are all areas where there is a gap in government assistance and other relief programs. BICF hopes solutions implemented in response to this crisis will also provide a framework for responding to future emergencies as well.

Organizations and individuals are eligible to apply for a Resiliency Grant and you do not need to have a charitable partner. Applications for grants of up to $15,000 are welcome, however, larger budgets will be considered depending on the community impact.

Since Bowen Island Municipality already has in place an emergency organization structure to identify and address community needs, BICF has entered into a cooperative partnership with BIM for the purpose of responsibly directing proceeds from the Resiliency Fund to emergency initiatives that directly address the priorities identified.

Apply for a Resiliency Grant by downloading and completing the application here.