Helping Hand Fund

Every community support leader we speak to has stories of people living on Bowen who face personal and often invisible emergencies. They may be disconnected from social support systems or too shy or proud to reach out for help. To help our support organizations respond to such situations, by augmenting their resources as needed, the Foundation created the Helping Hand.

The Foundation seeded the Helping Hand Fund with a $5,000 major grant in 2012 and since then has been granting $10,000 a year in support.

The Helping Hand is capably administered by a dedicated volunteer committee. In all grant decisions confidentiality is maintained. The Foundation is appreciative of the volunteer committee work of Gary Ander, Marcus Behm, Louise Macintosh, Oydis Dike Petersen, Amanda Ockeloen and Jan Seaman (BICF Board representative).

If you, or someone you know, needs a helping hand, please contact [email protected] for a confidential inquiry.